Author - Mark Cote

FOUR Corners in Psalm 4
Mark & Kristin share Victoria’s Story up to today!
How Long, O Lord?
A Redemptive Leap
At the Crossroads of the Kingdom—Part 4: System Change
At the Crossroads of the Kingdom—Part 3: Child Protection
At the Crossroads of the Kingdom—Part 2: Family Strengthening
At the Crossroads of the Kingdom—Part 1: Healing from Trauma
Homeward Bound: Our Anchor and Aim
Our Peruvian Conclusion—”Come, Lord Jesus.”

FOUR Corners in Psalm 4

A Hebrew term for “corner” (kanaph) also means “wing,” and metaphorically conveys a sense of covering, care, and protection. In this sense, let’s consider these FOUR corners in the prayer of Psalm 4, which place us under the Father’s covering, like His wings, or even His tent:

In peace I will both lie down and sleep,

For You alone, O Yahweh, make me to abide in safety (v 8, LSB).

Freedom – You have made room for me in my distress (v 1).

  • Through various trials and temptations, the Holy Spirit helps us take our space that is self control, however small this sphere might appear. The phrase, “made room for me” is also translated as “relieved me,” signifying how suffering may continue, but His relief makes room for our breathing and being in the middle of it. This true freedom stands even in facing suffocating circumstances.
  • In your own circumstances, what is within your control for wise practice?

Oneness – Yahweh has set apart the holy one for Himself (v 3).

  • Conflicts of all kinds disconnect people, yet holiness sets us apart for belonging to the Father. This security steadies us from falling when shaking with anger or fear.
  • What are some daily practices you can begin or continue that remind you of your belonging to the Lord?

Uprightness – Offer righteous sacrifices and trust in Yahweh (v 5).

  • Obedience anchors us in the goodness of God like a tent stake pounded firmly into the ground. Unrighteousness—not being rightly related to God, self, and others—clamors for the attention of other gods and their false goodness.
  • How do you practice goodness with others during your week?

Rest – In peace I will both lie down and sleep (v 8).

  • Wholeheartedness precedes simultaneous laying down and sleeping . . . safely under the cover of Yahweh.
  • What practices preceding sleep could help you go to bed with intention, as an act of trust?

As we consider our own practices, may we discern whether these FOUR corners extend to cover our whole household in the peace and protection of the Lord. Remember that His peace is different than the peace of this world (John 14:27). If we discover that our tent is compromised by a loose corner stake or two, we need not panic, but wisdom requires paying attention to our practices. The Body of Christ stands by to help—by continuing to gather together, may we encourage each other to keep all FOUR corners firmly pounded into holy ground (Hebrews 10:24–25).

Mark & Kristin share Victoria’s Story up to today!

The Coté family has relocated to Pennsylvania, and Mark is now Director of Safe Place Ministry, and Kristin the Administrative Director. Mark also serves on the pastoral staff at Hershey Church of the Nazarene. On October 22, 2023, Mark and Kristin shared Victoria’s story in the service leading up to today and the ministry of Victoria’s Fund now joined to their church in Hershey. The message (around 00:31:45) can be watched through this link.

A Redemptive Leap

On this leap day, during the 12th anniversary week of Victoria’s life on this earth, we would like to share our hope of belonging together in our Father’s family. Below is a reflection that currently opens chapter two of a book I (Mark) am currently writing, provisionally titled, God’s Victory by His Grace: A Story of Beauty, Brokenness, Belonging, and Blessing. Read More

At the Crossroads of the Kingdom—Part 4: System Change

System_change“Think systems.” With this statement, Dr. David Cross challenged an auditorium full of child welfare workers in Lima, Peru. This core commitment of the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development (TCU) echoes an emphasis in Kids Alive International’s expanding model of care to deliver God’s whole love to children and families. Both KPICD and KAI have realized that influencing systems represents a significant contribution to lasting change in a child’s world. Read More

At the Crossroads of the Kingdom—Part 3: Child Protection

Child Protection slideChild Protection represents a sacred trust in the Kingdom of God. At the Crossroads of the Kingdom, every single one of us must answer to the all-or-nothing blessing or curse that Jesus spoke over responses to a child:

“And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me; but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe . . .” (Matt 18:5–7). Read More

At the Crossroads of the Kingdom—Part 2: Family Strengthening

Family StrengtheningThe expansion underway of Kids Alive’s model of care demonstrates God’s whole (perfect) love which “casts out fear” (1 John 4:18). The mention of family to a vulnerable child can at once provide comfort or trigger fear. Thus, a model of care developed for the whole child must embrace family. Family represents a child’s story. These stories twist and turn with complexity, at some points anchored by connection to a trustworthy family member, and at other points trembling from neglect, abuse, or abandonment. Some children live in the reality but without knowing the details of past chapters to their stories. Kids Alive seeks to piece together a child’s past with the beginning of a new chapter marked by peace. Family strengthening represents a significant development in the global strategy of Kids Alive International, one which has just begun. Read More

At the Crossroads of the Kingdom—Part 1: Healing from Trauma

Healing from TraumaKids Alive’s model of care continues to expand to reflect more of God’s whole (perfect) love which “casts out fear” (1 John 4:18). Trauma in a child’s life instills fear and harms physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, and relational development. A model of care built for bringing whole love to the whole child must reach into these areas of child development. Read More

Our Peruvian Conclusion—”Come, Lord Jesus.”

[Pictures and highlights from our last weeks in Peru appear at the end of this post below the salutation].

We close our time in Peru with the Apostle John’s concluding response to Revelation of Jesus Christ and promise of His coming (Rev 22:20):

“Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.”

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