Q & A with Caleb

IMG_4195Favorite food and drink in Arequipa?

“My favorite food and drink are whipped cream and Guarana.”

A special memory so far?

“My favorite thing to do is play soccer with Peruvian kids.”

What would you like to show your friends from the US?

“I would show them el Misti (the volcano) and the Plaza de Armas. I learned that Spain accidentally switched the blueprints for the cathedrals in Mexico City and Arequipa.”

Why are you grateful?

“I am glad that God gave me friends.”

What is God teaching you?IMG_4054

“I am learning that is is important to listen quickly.”

What are you looking forward to?

“I am looking forward to living in Pucallpa.”

Praise/Prayer request?

“That we got here safely and that God will protect us here.”

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