Unfairness = Generosity

IMG_2915From Caleb:

“In one of Jesus’ parables (Matthew 20:1-16), He talks about unfairness. It is where workers get paid the same, and some worked less than others. It says that the master, the one who paid them, was generous. So I came to the conclusion that unfairness is actually Jesus’ generosity. At Kids Alive, people work to show kids that God loves them and is generous to them in ways that Americans might not think as very generous…such as them having a blanket at night or even one small Christmas present. So we should be unfair to others around us, which can show them God’s love and generosity.”

Ministry Updates

IMG_1702IMG_1701Kristin and the other leaders of the young mom’s group taught the teen moms about creating a budget for their monthly expenses. While it may be tempting to decry the unfairness of poverty, may they be faithful with what little they have, that they might discover more deeply God’s generous ways.






The new redemptive family has settled in very well at the new house at the Orchard Children’s Home. Though from the unfair world of fractured and broken circumstances, they now find themselves in a home filled with God’s generous love. We enjoy sharing our Orchard family with those who visit us.



Caleb and Jacob and Mark helped with a visiting service team to put a cement floor into our church, Torre Fuerte (Strong Tower). Though unfair when compared to the plush flooring found in other churches, this church celebrated with great thanksgiving the generosity that made this new floor possible. We have continued teaching at least twice a month at our local church, Mark with the adults, and Kristin with the children. The gratitude abounds from the congregation for all that they are learning. Kristin is pictured here with her class.IMG_1778










We have greatly enjoyed working with our second group of summer interns. Kristin also joined them for a flyover of Pucallpa with South American Mission Air, which included a bird’s eye view of our property at the Mission TEC Care Center. The ministry site occupies the right side of the aerial photo. Our house is the bright silver roof to the right of the concrete court.IMG_1691 Though the view from above reveals the unfair conditions faced by so many in our community, the blessing pouring out from this property carries God’s generosity into the surrounding hearts and homes.IMG_1655IMG_1673IMG_1667
















Shipibos Mark teaching 2Mark co-taught, with our Peruvian pastor, a one-week Old Testament Survey course for pastors from the Shipibo Indian Tribe. These men were very eager to learn, and they literally celebrated the insights they received, clapping each day as class ended. Some may say it is unfair that their OT still lacks nine of the 39 books; however, they rejoiced in God’s generous protection shown to His people through the faith of His servant, Esther, which Mark told them for their very first time.Shipibos in class




The generosity of our friends who encourage us in our ministry here also continued through the visit from our friend, Katie Everhart. It was good to see the ministry through her eyes, and rejoice together in the changed lives of the children at the Orchard Home and TEC Care Center.


God’s grace has abounded to us and others through the loss of our first daughter, Victoria. His generosity continued through the gift of our second daughter, Rachel Elizabeth, who celebrated her 8th birthday on July 6th! We always remember how God graciously spared Kristin and Rachel’s life through the events of that day.

Like this truck Mark followed recently into town, our family has gratefully carried a very heavy ministry load, and by God’s IMG_2931generosity, he has sustained us. We thank you for your constant encouragement and support, which help us carry on calmly!

With gratitude,

Mark, Kristin, Caleb, Jacob, and Rachel Coté

Missionaries of Discipleship and Development based in Pucallpa, Peru


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Our mailing address:

Apartado 25
Pucallpa, Peru

P.S. Caleb, Jacob, and Rachel gave Shadow some treats and bone for his 1st birthday.





